La Féline is a French band led by singer and guitarist Agnès Gayraud. Agnès plays solo or with her full rock band, sensitive or powerful moods, or mixing both in a sensual alchemy she seems to have the secret of. Named after Jacques Tourneur’s movie, there is something cinematic about her music: she sings in French — byzantine lyrics that ring in your head long after hearing them —, brings together her keen pop songwriting and Baudelaire, church singing and jazz freakout, pop and deep thoughts. After a first rather intimate album, “Adieu l’enfance”, released in 2014, she’s gone wilder and groovier, making her music even more magnetic and ambitious in her critically acclaimed LP “Triomphe”. Now what could be next? The futuristic and sublime “Vie Future”, coming this Fall, announced by her languid and dark new single, “Palmiers Sauvages”, just released.
La vie, comme l’histoire, se répète
Oh, comme le temps a passé
Je crains de revivre sans le savoir
Cet instant qu’on a traversé
Life, like history, repeats itself
Oh, how time has passed
I’m afraid to live again without knowing it
This moment we went through
Où est passée ton âme ?
Cariño, no lo sé
Oh,¿Dónde este mundo va?
Dis-le moi, s’il te plaît
Where has your soul gone?
Baby I don’t know
Oh, where does this world go?
Tell me, please
Ils vivaient ensemble, attachés
J’en ai encore le cœur serré
Comme ils se ressemblaient, soulagés
De n’avoir plus à s’expliquer
They lived together, attached
I still have a heavy heart thinking about it
How they looked alike, relieved
To no longer have to explain
Où est passée ton âme ?
Cariño, no lo sé
Oh,¿Dónde este mundo va?
Au fond, moi je le sais
Where has your soul gone?
Baby I don’t know
Oh, where does this world go?
Deep down, I know it
Il n’y a rien après la mort
Elle va en beauté
Il n’y a rien que les corps
Je veux vivre et danser
There is nothing after death
She goes in style
There is nothing but the bodies
I want to live and dance
Combien de plaisir peux-tu prendre
Dans le temps qu’on t’a accordé ?
Je t’ai vu pâlir, te défendre
Je n’ai pas cessé de t’aimer
How much fun can you take
In the time we gave you?
I saw you turn pale, defend yourself
I haven’t stopped loving you
Où va passer ton âme ?
Viens, je sais le secret
Where will your soul go?
Come on, I know the secret
¿Dónde ha pasado el alma de tu cuerpo? x 3
Where has the soul of your body passed? x 3
Même s’il n’y a rien après la mort,
J’irai te chercher
Aussi loin que je pourrai
Aussi loin que je pourrai
Even if there is nothing after death,
I’ll go and get you
As far as I can
As far as I can