Alain Chamfort (1949-), born Alain Govic, is a French singer of Breton origin. He was a promising pianist in his youth, and the piano became his instrument of choice. His first band, “The Dreamers” had minor success as a repertory jazz outfit and was followed by a time in a typically sixties rock music group “Murator”. From 1968 until 1970, Alain recorded five singles without much success. He met famed writer and producer Jacques Dutronc who proposed to accompany Chamfort on future works for television and film, and it is with Dutronc that Chamfort’s career expanded. After being discovered by Dutronc, it was with Claude François and ultimately Serge Gainsbourg who will see leading of marvellous albums and the first album of Alain Chamfort: “Manureva”. This song remains one of the most famous to date of Chamfort. He has released 16 studio albums to this date.
Bons baisers de Russie
De vodka je t’écris
Ces mots transis
Ces maux d’ici
Ivna Nova
Je n’ai que toi
Sweet kisses from Russia
Of vodka I write to you
These words transfix
These ailments from here
Ivna Nova
I only have you
Bons baisers d’ici
Des plaines de Sibérie
Petit zombie
L’été passé
A s’embrasser
C’est du passé
Sweet kisses from here
Siberian floods
Little zombie
Last summer
Spent kissing
It’s the past
Bons baisers d’ici
Soviétique érotique
Tactique toxique
Zombi joli
Baisers magiques
Cœur sibérique
Sweet kisses from here
Soviet erotic [words chosen because they rhyme -ique]
Tactics toxic [words chosen because they rhyme -ique]
Pretty zombie
Magic kisses
Siberic heart
Secrets glacés secrets sucrés cette espionne en jet
Secrets glacés secrets sucrés sous-marins Soviet
Secrets glacés secrets sucrés d’un baiser codé
Top secret — bons baisers discrets
Frozen secrets sweet secrets this spy in a jet plane
Frozen secrets sweet secrets Soviet submarines
Frozen secrets sweet secrets of a coded kiss
Top secret – sweet discreet kisses
Bons baisers d’ici
Des pleines de Sibérie
Petit zombie
L’été passé
A s’embrasser
C’est du passé
Sweet kisses from here
Siberian floods
Little zombie
Last summer
Spent kissing
It’s the past
Bons baisers d’ici
Soviétique érotique
Soviet rocket
Missile tactile
Baiser fatal
Peine capitale
Sweet kisses from here
Erotic soviet
Soviet rocket
Tactile missile
Fatal kiss
Capital punishment
Secrets glacés secrets sucrés cette espionne en jet
Secrets glacés secrets sucrés sous-marins Soviet
Secrets glacés secrets sucrés d’un baiser codé
Top secret — bons baisers discrets
Frozen secrets sweet secrets this spy in a jet plane
Frozen secrets sweet secrets Soviet submarines
Frozen secrets sweet secrets of a coded kiss
Top secret – sweet discreet kisses
Stop mission suicide
Dite impossible
Codée Staline
Ce froid secret
Assassiner la fille aimée
Stop mission suicide
So-called impossible
Coded Stalin
This cold secret
Murder the beloved girl
Suis la ligne du parti
– la ligne du parti
– la ligne du parti
Follow the party line
– the party line
– the party line
Bons baisers du ciel
Morte aussitôt sensuelle
Ses bras en croix
Supplient pourquoi
Je ne sais pas
Secret d’état
x 3
Sweet kisses from heaven
Dead at once sensual
Her arms crossed
Begging why
I have no idea
State secret
x 3