Jacques Dutronc (1943-) is a French singer, songwriter, guitarist, composer, and actor. He has been married to singer Françoise Hardy since 1981 and the two have a son (jazz guitarist Thomas Dutronc, born 1973). He also has been a longtime songwriting collaborator with Jacques Lanzmann. Some of Dutronc best known hits include “Il est cinq heures, Paris s’éveille”, “Le Responsable”, “Les Cactus”.
Dutronc played guitar in the rock group El Toro et les Cyclones. He wrote successful songs for Françoise Hardy in the 1960s before moving on to pursue a successful solo career. His music incorporated traditional French pop and French rock as well as styles such as psychedelic rock and garage rock.
Je suis le dauphin de la place Dauphine
Et la place Blanche a mauvaise mine
Les camions sont pleins de lait
Les balayeurs sont pleins de balais
I am the heir of the Place Dauphine
[dauphin refers to the title given to the heir apparent to the throne of France]
And the Place Blanche looks bad
[avoir mauvaise mine : non-healthy looking face]
Trucks are full of milk
Street-sweepers are full of brooms
Il est cinq heures
Paris s’éveille
Paris s’éveille
It is five o’clock (a.m.)
Paris wakes up
Paris wakes up
Les travestis vont se raser
Les stripteaseuses sont rhabillées
Les traversins sont écrasés
Les amoureux sont fatigués
Transvestites are going to shave
Strippers are dressed again
Bolsters are crushed
Lovers are tired
Le café est dans les tasses
Les cafés nettoient leurs glaces
Et sur le boulevard Montparnasse
La gare n’est plus qu’une carcasse
The coffee is in the cups
Cafés [waiters] clean their windows
And on the Boulevard Montparnasse
The station is now just a carcass
Les banlieusards sont dans les gares
A la Villette on tranche le lard
Paris by night, regagne les cars
Les boulangers font des bâtards
Commuters are in the train stations
At La Villette we slice the bacon
Paris by night, return to the coaches
Bakers are making bread
La tour Eiffel a froid aux pieds
L’Arc de Triomphe est ranimé
Et l’Obélisque est bien dressé
Entre la nuit et la journée
The Eiffel Tower has cold feet
The Arc de Triomphe is revived
And the Obelisk is standing
Between night and day
Les journaux sont imprimés
Les ouvriers sont déprimés
Les gens se lèvent, ils sont brimés
C’est l’heure où je vais me coucher
The newspapers are printed
The workers are feeling down
People get up, they are burdened
It’s the time I’m supposed to go to bed
Il est cinq heures
Paris se lève
Il est cinq heures
Je n’ai pas sommeil
It is five o’clock (a.m.)
Paris gets up
It is five o’clock
I don’t feel sleepy